
What is a Transgender Male?

Transgender people who have had surgery may choose to be known as transsexual or continue with transgender to describe themselves. Transgender is used to describing identity rather than assumed gender and can be used before, during, and after the transition.

What is a Transgender Male?

“Transgender male” is the term used to describe people assigned with females at birth but wish to live as male. Transgender males may have had surgery, be awaiting surgery, or not want to have surgery at all - the term doesn’t describe the current genitals the person has, but rather the sex they identify.

How Does Female to Male Transgender Surgery Work?

Some transgender males may choose to continue living with the genitals they were born with. However - some choose to have surgery to be physically more like their gender identity. A transgender male can choose from three major surgery options:

Top Surgery

Many transgender people choose to have a mastectomy – are the removal of their breast tissue. Top surgery is a lot more common than bottom surgery and is one of the easier transgender surgeries to perform. Breast tissue is almost completely removed, and the chest is closed – sometimes, nipples are made smaller or moved during the operation. Testosterone supplements will encourage chest hair growth.

Removal of the Uterus, Ovaries, and Fallopian Tubes

Sometimes hormone therapy doesn’t stop menstruation, and some transgenders men wish to remove all their “female” reproductive systems to complete their transition. Patients can choose from a partial hysterectomy (uterus only), a full hysterectomy (uterus and cervix removed) or BSO - bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy- (includes the fallopian tubes and ovaries).


Using hormone therapy, the clitoris is enlarged and used as a base to create a new penis – or neopenis. Surgery is performed to remove the vagina and lengthen the urethra before repositioning the urethra in the neopenis. The surgery takes around five hours, and patients will have a penis that can obtain an erection and has sensitivity – but is usually not large enough for penetrative sex. Further surgeries may be necessary to extend the length of the penis.


A Phalloplasty uses a skin graft to create a new penis attached during surgery when the vagina is removed, and the urethra is extended and placed inside the new penis. After surgery, patients have a large penis; however, it cannot be erection or penetrative sex. Further surgeries, however, for example, penile implants, will enable erections and assist penetrative sex. This surgery often requires multiple surgeries and hospital visits and is often more expensive than a metoidioplasty


A scrotoplasty uses the labia to create a scrotum in which silicone testicles are implanted to create more natural-looking genitals.

What is it Like to Date a Male Transgender?

Transgender singles have exactly what you would expect to find down below. A penis, testicles, and a scrotum – everything you would expect to find in a “regular” man's underpants. Some women even suggest that post-op transgender genitals are “better” - after all, they are handcrafted by some of the best surgeons on the planet.

Dating a transgenders is the same as dating any other male. On a first date, it’s polite but not necessary for them to foot the bill, pull out your chair, and open the door for you. Allow your date to take the lead for the night.

Where Can I Meet Trans Males?

With most of the country staying home and avoiding bars and restaurants, the dating scene is dying out all over - and nowhere quicker than the LGBT and trans community, who often rely on gay bars and villages to find romance.

Like everything else in 2020, dating has moved online, and if you’re looking for a transgender romance with a transgender male, the internet could be the best wingman. Some of the mainstream dating sites offer female to male transgender chat rooms and private areas to help find the people you want to meet.